Mapping Pollution, Finding Solutions: Meet ORCA, a Diverse Team of Citizen Scientists on an Inspiring Mission

The Indian River Lagoon is a 156-mile-long estuary where saltwater from the Atlantic Ocean meets freshwater from local rivers and creeks. It’s one of the most biodiverse estuaries in North America with over 4,000 species of plants and animals calling it home - but sadly, over the past few decades, it’s suffered severe degradation. Seagrass and other wildlife have disappeared at a concerning rate, and the water quality has plummeted.
ORCA’s mission is to drive real change in the area, and they’ve mobilized what can only be described as a small citizen scientist army that shares the same common goal of restoring and protecting the lagoon they love. Their approach is based on gathering cutting-edge, unbiased, science-based data to equip the surrounding communities and policymakers with the tools they need to address pollution head-on, ensuring the lagoon’s survival for generations to come.
ORCA is supported by 11th Hour Racing’s grants program and their pivotal work is featured at the top of this page in the film “Operation Restoration: LAGOON” - the latest episode of a new five-part film series.
Featuring Missy Weiss, ORCA’s Director of Citizen Science & Education, the film shines a light on how through innovative technologies, science-based conservation efforts, and community education, they are leading the way in restoring the lagoon.

Collaboration and trust
Missy is originally from New York and has a background in education, marine science, and biological oceanography. She’s spent a decade living in Florida and over six years working for ORCA, she’s seen the demise of the lagoon with her own eyes.
“It’s nothing compared to the stories some of my colleagues tell me, though,” Missy shares, referring to the volunteers from her ever-growing citizen-led science program.
“They are so motivated to take part in the work we do because they know what the lagoon used to be like, and it’s inspiring for the rest of us, especially those who aren’t from the area originally, to hear tales of how it once was––knowing that together we’re working towards restoration.”

ORCA’s work is diverse, with the organization focusing on real-time water quality data collection, education within the community around pollution mitigation, installing and managing living shoreline projects, and communications outreach to ensure the important findings land with the right people.
“Collaboration is essential and at the heart of everything we do,” explains Missy. “We work hand-in-hand with government officials, nonprofits, NGOs, and communities, sharing all our open-source data.
“Trust is also at the core because science must remain unbiased and actionable. That’s why we stay focused on our mission––‘mapping pollution, finding solutions’––because we know that by providing reliable, transparent data, we give city councils, commissioners, and state leaders the tools they need to protect our environment and our future.”
"By providing reliable, transparent data, we give city councils, commissioners, and state leaders the tools they need to protect our environment and our future.”

From 9 to 90-years-old
Above all, there is one key component to ORCA’s work, without which the organization wouldn’t be able to function - a community of like-minded volunteers.
In 2024 alone, 140-165 local citizen scientists have helped ORCA install breakwaters consisting of over 400 oyster reef balls, which provide a habitat for marine life and reduce shoreline erosion. They’ve also planted 300 seagrass plants, which, among other benefits, help capture stormwater runoff and reduce the development of harmful algal blooms.

From 9 to 90 years old and from lawyers to surgeons, to retirees, to second grade students - the list of volunteers within ORCA’s citizen scientist army is astonishing. It’s hard to imagine in what other circumstance this eclectic group of people from such diverse backgrounds would come together. But such is the beauty of ORCA’s approach and its citizen science program.
I could talk about our citizen scientists or volunteers all day long,” she beams. “I could tell you where their grandkids go to school, who is recently engaged or what they had for breakfast sometimes! We’re all very close, and we all share this unique mission.”

One dedicated volunteer featured in the video is Ricky Acra, a retired pharmacist who experienced professional burnout. “I knew something needed to be done,” he explains, “but I just kept thinking to myself, I am just one person, what difference is my contribution going to make?
“Then when I found ORCA, I realized, yes, I’m just one person, but the more people that get involved, the bigger difference we can make. Change won’t happen overnight, but I’m here for it.”
Ricky is one of the many volunteers bringing their specialism and expertise to the citizen science work.
“Many of our volunteers don’t have a science background,” explains Missy. “We train them, and they’re able to be autonomous. It’s amazing to see school children work alongside retirees - often on the same day.”
"When I found ORCA I realized, yes I’m just one person, but the more people that get involved, the bigger difference we can make. Change won’t happen overnight but I’m here for it.”

A mutual gratitude
One day, whilst working knee-deep in the lagoon collecting samples, one of Missy’s colleagues turned to her and said: “thank you.” In her upbeat manner, she replied: “No, thank YOU, thank you for helping us.”
Telling the story, Missy describes how she didn’t think anything of it until the gentleman persisted. The volunteer went on to explain how he grew up in a landlocked town and always had the dream of becoming a marine biologist, but he became an architect on the advice of his parents.
“He said it’s only through the program and working with ORCA that he finally realized his true dream,” Missy remembers. It’s a moment that has stayed with her as she continues to lead her dedicated community.
“It always resonates with me because, on both sides, whether it’s ORCA or the citizen scientists, there’s this mutual gratitude we share. They’re grateful for the opportunity to contribute, and we’re incredibly thankful that they’ve chosen ORCA as an organization to invest their time and energy, helping us gather the crucial data we need.”
Do you live on the India River Lagoon shoreline? You can discover more about ORCA’s work and what you can do to help on their website.
Operation Restoration is a five-part film series that highlights five of 11th Hour Racing’s remarkable ecosystem restoration grantees. Through the eyes of those on the front lines, we share their passion, determination, and the impact of their work in restoring the planet’s balance.
Watch “Operation Restoration: LAGOON,” as well as the full series, on YouTube today.
Hero image credit: ©Brian Nevins / 11th Hour Racing