
Shaped by Water

Shaped by Water

Shaped by Water

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Shaped by Water
From the highest mountains to the darkest depths and every facet in between, the ocean intertwines with our daily lives and the world surrounding us.

"Shaped by Water" delves into this profound connection between humans and water in its different natural forms. We bring this story to life through the eyes of some of the world’s most inspiring athletes.

They say the ocean connects us all, but what does that really mean? For many of us, the first time we set eyes on the ocean is a moment we remember throughout our lives. In this short documentary, we invite you to embark on a journey alongside the individuals who thrive in the ocean's embrace and work tirelessly to restore balance to our relationship with it.

Shaped by Water
Steve Benjamin, filmmaker:

"It's a beautiful piece of poetry that pays homage to the water cycle and if it helps people connect with it, then I’ll consider my job done.”

Shaped by Water

“Shaped by Water” brings together internationally renowned freediver and 11th Hour Racing ambassador Zandile Ndhlovu (ZAF), world-champion freeskier and POW Alliance athlete Jess Hotter (NZL), and professional offshore sailors, 11th Hour Racing Team (USA).

This is the companion documentary to 11th Hour Racing’s film, “Rhythm of Water.

Shaped by Water
Dean Leslie, Director:

“Every time you watch it, you'll take away something different, depending on your mood and the day - kind of like a painting."

Shaped by Water

Shaped by Water
Shaped by Water
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Jamie Haines, sailor “I grew up on the ocean, and in order to protect it, we need to solve the climate crisis. It all goes hand in hand.”

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Ian Walsh, big wave surfer “As athletes, ocean health and sustainability are at the heart of what we do – without the ocean, we wouldn’t be here.”

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Steve Benjamin, filmmaker “I really want people to fall in love with the ocean, to appreciate it more, and to try to alter their behavior around it. Everything ends up in the ocean, and it’s such a dumping ground for humanity. My hope is that people see the ocean as a living entity that needs to be protected.”

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Amory Ross, storyteller “How can I describe the ocean? The ocean is impossible to describe because it is endless; it is full of life, wonder, and mystery.”

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Todd Hannigan, surfer, composer, filmmaker “For my entire life, if things were upside down, I could always count on the ocean to set me straight.”

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